Bill Tamerlane Apps

NZBMonster 2.1
2/13/13: Miatrix support addedNew version of NZBMonster supports NZBPlanet and is easilymodifiable, going forward, to support other indexing sites. Makesure to update your indexer and your api key in the NZBMonsterprefs.-------------------------------After a one-time setup of your NZBMatrix and SABNzbd api keys,you can search and kick off downloads from NZBMonster withouthaving to navigate web sites or admin interfaces from your phone ortablet.One possible scenario: a commuter is traveling home by train,contemplating what she wants to watch that night. She whips out herAndroid phone, opens NZBMonster, and sends the results of hersearch to SABNzbd, which has the download ready when she gets homethat night.